Generate leads 10x faster

Convert your ideal audience into customers with AI powered lead magnets
No credit card neededrock emoji
hero magnety dashboard

Grow your email list with a game-changer experience that converts better. Simply turn any articles, eBooks, checklists, courses and much more into powerful lead magnets.

Magnety client use case arrow
How lead magnets works arrow

Create high-value content in seconds

Just pop in your content and branding into our SEO-friendly templates, and voila! You can publish endless variations of lead magnets.
intuitive content editor

Instantly engage visitors and drive subscriptions

Hook anonymous viewers with blurred previews that capture attention, and let them subscribe to reveal your exclusive content.
content driven subscription

Qualify your leads with precious insights

Identify your best-performing contents, track lead interests, and effortlessly target potential customers to boost your conversion rate.
insight improve targeting
Magnety key features arrowLead workflow automation arrow

Seamless integration with any existing tools

Connect hundreds of apps to smoothly export steady streams of fresh leads to your favourite marketing tools, saving time and increase your revenues.
Ultimate lead magnet guide arrow
magnet with stars

Ready for new leads within 7 days?

Discover all the secret tricks that drive subscriptions in our ultimate free guide.